In this article we are going to
discuss different
types of diabetes.
Diabetes is a disease which related to the insulin of our body. This disease
could happen if our body does not produce enough insulin that is needed. And it
can also be happen if that is insulin is not used properly. If anyone of
between these things is happen then our body is not able to get sugar from our
blood to the cells. This is called high blood sugar level .
Glucose is a sugar
found in our body which is a source of energy in body.
Types of diabetes
If insulin decreases or
resistance against insulin takes place than the sugar will build up in our
Type 1 diabetes. This type of diabetes is an autoimmune disease
in which immune system of the body work incorrectly and attacks the different
parts of the body. The immune system also effect pancreas and demolish its beta
cells. And pancreas produces insulin .But due to this disease pancreas get
damage permanently.
What are reasons behind this? May
be it happened because of environmental reasons or genetic reasons.
Type 2 diabetes
As we have discussed earlier that
the diabetes happened because of two reasons one is that if production of insulin
is not proper and the other one is resistance of insulin. And in this type of
diabetes the resistance of insulin our body is not proper which means that your
body cannot use insulin accurately.
The type 2 diabetes could
happened because of genetic reasons or if you are not doing exercise properly
or may be due to overweight. And a number of other reasons as well.
Gestational diabetes
This type of diabetes only takes place during the pregnancy. This is
because during the pregnancy insulin blocking hormones are produced.
Diabetes symptoms
In diabetes of type 2 the dark
patches appear on the neck and the folds of skin under the shoulders. In
diabetes of type 2 the identification of disease takes a long time. You may
feel symptoms like pain in your feet.
The symptoms of type 1 diabetes occur
more quickly as compared to other types of diabetes like your weight decreases
or DKA in which the fat of the body reduces and the liver convert fat into fuel
that is called Kenton which make the blood acidic. This can happen if you have
a very high blood sugar and the quantity of insulin in your body is little.
Usually the symptoms of diabetes
can occur in any age. But the symptoms of type 1 diabetes occur in young age
people other children. The symptoms of type 2 diabetes occur in the people
having age of 45 or more than that age. But it has been notice that the people
of young age are also being diagnosing because of their lifestyle and
Causes of diabetes
Millions of people in the united
state and in the whole world are suffering from diabetes. The people suffering
with diabetes of type 2 are more than the people suffering with diabetes
type1. There are the most of chances of having diabetes if in your family history
you found this disease.
You may fell a pray to diabetes
of type 2 if you have inactive lifestyle or you have overweight or have prediabetes. Most of the people that suffer with the diabetes of type 2 have
diabetes before type 2 diabetes. Prediabetes means your glucose level is
very high but not enough high to be called diabetes. If you have prediabetes
then you are at a risk of having diabetes of type 2.
Diabetes Complications
If you will not get proper
treatment of diabetes you will get complications. If will not be able to
overcome diabetes and mishandle it then it will create very serious
complications that can become threat for your life. These complications leads
to heart attack, eyes problem, skin problems, nerve damage and kidney damage.If your blood sugar is not well
under control then it can also cause brain problem.
During the pregnancy blood
sugar level get growing which can harm both child and mother.If you have any kind of diabetes
then it is necessary for you to get in closer with your doctor to control the
diabetes. The first priority is to keep the glucose at normal and targeted
level. Your doctor will guide you better about your sugar level. Targets can be
different according to the type of diabetes, your age and complications.
Diabetes during pregnancy
If you have diabetes during the
pregnancy then your sugar level should be low as compared to other types of diabetes. If you have diabetes
then physical exercise is very crucial. Consult your doctor how many hours you
should exercise a week? Your diet and meal is also necessary. You have to look
after your cholesterol and blood pressure as well.
Insulin remedy
In the type 1 diabetes you have
to take insulin continuously because your pancreas has been damage permanently
and are not able to produce insulin. Insulin is available in different types.
Insulin is given by injecting it just under your skin. Your doctor will guide
you better way to inject insulin and how to rotate injecting sites. And now a
device name insulin pump is also available you have to wear this outside your
body, it is designed in a way to release specific dose.
There are a number of devices
available as well that check your sugar level in a day. It is necessary to check
your sugar level throughout the day because may be you have to take medicine to
control high blood pressure, cholesterol.
Exercise and Diet for diabetes
We can overcome the type 2
diabetes with the help of exercise and diet and by taking different kind of
medicines. The metaformin is the initial drug that is given. It is very useful
for insulin resistance because it make insulin more effective. But if metaformin is not working well then
doctor can add more medicines or try something other. Medicines are also needed
to control blood pressure and cholesterol.
For the diabetes of type 1 there
is no any kind of prevention. But for diabetes of type 2 there are some
1. Exercise regularly
2. Manage your diet and control
your weight
3. Avoid smoking and control
cholesterol level
There is no cure for type 1 of
diabetes. You have to carry and manage it throughout your life. But if you will
monitor it and get proper treatment you will be able to get rid of more
complications from it.
If you will make good
understanding with doctor and change your living style according to the doctor
precautions then diabetes of type 2 can be handle successfully.
More types of diabetes
Most of the people assert that
there are only two types of diabetes.
But a number of scientists say that the division is not just as simple rather
it is complex. Recent researchers show that there are five kinds of diabetes.
And the reason behind is that some people suffering from diabetes are taking
medicines but they don’t need and other people are not getting proper treatment
after the identification of diabetes.
Scientist think that types of diabetes is need to be
consider again because it is the disease that is growing day by day in the
whole world. Insulin is a Harmon that manage the glucose level in our in our
blood. When everything is working well it maintain the glucose at normal level.
And when the things are not going well because the beta cells of pancreas that
produce insulin are affected. These facts can cause diabetes.
We differentiate the
diabetes oftype 1 and type 2 considering two factors that the age of the person when he
fell a prey to diabetes and second is the anti bodies that attack beta cells
are present or not. The researchers after analyzing the record of a number of
diabetes patients show that diabetes can be classified into five categories or groups.
And this division is based on the body mass index, age of the diagnosis and the
amount of insulin.
Cluster 1(SAD)
People suffer with cluster 1
diabetes when they seem healthy and are in young age. This type of diabetes is differentiating
on the basis of deficiency of insulin and the presence of immunoglobulin.
Cluster 2(SIDD)
The patient of cluster 2 seems same the patients of cluster 1 but this
type never depends on the immunoglobulin.
Cluster 3(SIRD)
This type of diabetes is concerned with the resistance of insulin and
overweight. The patients have risk of kidney diseases.
Cluster 4(MOD)
This type of diabetes is related to obesity and is not concerned with
the insulin renitence.
Cluster 5(MARD)
This type is same as the type 4 but it is found in the older age people
as compared to the other types.
While differentiating the types
of diabetes again the researchers raise the point that the patients were
taking incorrect treatments. And this can be classified further more. The
scientists are not aware that whether the different types of diabetes is
because of different causes or because of the people move with different types
of diabetes during their life.
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